Health Services

Frontier Schools have nurses in each building. School nurses attend to immediate student health needs during the school day. Students becoming ill or injured during the school day are directed to report to the nurse.

The State of Missouri requires that every child in the state be immunized against preventable diseases caused by infectious agents, in accordance with an established immunization schedule. Proof of immunization may be shown through personal records from a licensed physician or public health clinic with a signature or rubber-stamp validation. Original medical or religious exemptions are needed as well, if applicable.

Medications at School
All medication should be administered outside of school hours, if possible. Any student medications, including over-the-counter, will be administered by the school nurse or under the supervision of the school nurse.

Frontier schools will NOT dispense over the counter medication (i.e., acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.) to students, without a signed Authorization to Administer Non-Prescription Medication form on file.

Prescribed medication brought to school must be submitted to the school nurse, along with a Prescription Medication Authorization Form signed by the student’s physician and parent. Prescription medications must be submitted in a labeled container showing the student’s name, the name of the medication, the reason the medication is being given, proper dosage amounts, the time the medication must be taken, and the method used to administer the medication. Medications sent in plastic baggies or unlabeled containers will NOT be administered. Medications must be brought in to school and picked up from school by a parent or guardian. Medications are not allowed on the buses. Over-the-counter medications are kept by the nurse in the health room and do not need to be brought to school unless discussed with nurse.

Asthma and Anaphylaxis
Asthma and anaphylaxis are life-threatening conditions, and students with those conditions are entitled to possess and self-administer prescription medication while on school property or at school-related events with a signed Prescription Medication Authorization Form. If the student is not approved by physician to carry an inhaler or epi-pen it will be kept in the health room and provided by nurse as needed. Annual Asthma Care Plans must be given to nurse each year as they become due or if they are updated by physician.

Vision and Hearing Screenings
Frontier Schools screens students for possible vision and hearing problems in accordance with regulations issued by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

The school nurse should be informed by parent or guardian if there has been a serious illness, hospitalization or injury and any related restrictions or care that may apply when student returns to school.

Changes to health concerns, allergies, and emergency contact information need to be updated as they occur. Health history, medication and treatment consent forms must be updated and signed each school year.